Bruce Ransley, Impress: clear communication
I was at university in the early 90s studying biochemistry when I got into business for the first time – a commercial diving company. We did all kinds of things underwater. We built and maintained fish farm installations, salvaged sunken boats, sifted through ocean-floor bugs to test the health of the seabed, taught people to dive. After around 13,000 descents (and, fortunately, precisely the same number of ascents) I'd had enough. In my aquanautical years I learned a lot about being cold and wet but also heaps about running a business. That, combined with my science training, saw me eventually settle into business communications. That was in 2003 and I'm still here.
There's no room for lack of clarity or ambiguity when you're trying to explain something. If there's any way you can be misunderstood, rest assured that someone will find it, so it's best not to give them that opportunity.
I'm trying to say that there's more to writing (and editing) than knowing where to put the apostrophe; there are plenty of beautifully written reports out there that fail to communicate their message effectively. I can help you to get your message straight, then polish it so it's the best it can be.
I've written and edited for universities, state and federal government, the New Zealand government, and literally hundreds of private entities, small and large.
There's no room for lack of clarity or ambiguity when you're trying to explain something. If there's any way you can be misunderstood, rest assured that someone will find it, so it's best not to give them that opportunity.
I'm trying to say that there's more to writing (and editing) than knowing where to put the apostrophe; there are plenty of beautifully written reports out there that fail to communicate their message effectively. I can help you to get your message straight, then polish it so it's the best it can be.
I've written and edited for universities, state and federal government, the New Zealand government, and literally hundreds of private entities, small and large.